![]() Like many cards, this one has layers of meanings. You decide which one resonates the most with you. This could certainly refer to a situation or project you're working on, especially if you're nearing completion, as that's the point we tend to get excited and might start to rush things a bit. It's a reminder to slow down and proceed cautiously. This could also refer to a person. Are you trying to heal a relationship? Kudos to you if you are, but remember that things didn't get to the point where they now are overnight, so don't expect fences to be mended too quickly. And it can also mean to be judicious with your choice of words, especially online. It's so easy to say the wrong thing, or have your words taken the wrong way, when you write something on social media. Take your time, and select your words carefully. This isn't about politically correctness, but about simply caring how you talk to those that mean the most to you. Finally, this is a reminder to treat yourself well. So often, we make long to-do lists, making sure we take care of everything for everyone else. And too often, we forget to put ourselves on our own lists. Self-care is important. That doesn't mean at the expense of everyone else. But it's virtually impossible to take care of anyone else if you don't take care of yourself! You can hear me read from this deck for callers on Psychic Tapestry's Love Show, with Toni DeMaio and Julia Hoffman, Friday's at 5:00pm (Pacific) on Blog Talk Radio!
I will also be giving readings with this deck at Myztic Isle in La Mesa, CA today from noon to 5:00pm. Get directions or make an appointment by visiting Myztic Isle's website RIGHT HERE!
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AuthorKen is a former skeptic turned music intuitive. You can read more about him on the ABOUT US page! Archives
September 2017