![]() Here's another song from my Psychic Jukebox, one that's popped up several times for me in the last twenty-four hours. "I Was Born To Love You" was a solo single by Freddie Mercury in 1985. While it didn't do well in the U.S., it was a big hit in several other countries. Ten years later, Queen reworked the song and released it again as a Queen single, some four year's after Freddie's passing. The Queen version wasn't a big hit, though it did go to number one in Japan when it was reissued in 2004. I was born to love you With every single beat of my heart Yes, I was born to take care of you Every single day of my life For anyone looking for love, those words are probably what you want to hear (from the right person, of course). And some looking for love also want to be the ones to say them. I think the words "I love you" have come to be something many only consider saying to their spouse-boyfriend-girlfriend-significant other. Perhaps you could also add children and parents to that list. But sadly, that's where it ends. The truth is, the reason we're all here is to love each other. I know that probably sounds corny, Pollyanna and a little overly simplistic. Maybe. But it's still true. Think about those close to you. Not your romantic partner. Not your children, Not your parents. Have you told them you love them? You know you do. Carry it even farther. I'm not suggesting you greet everyone you know, and everyone you meet, with an "I love you". But if you allow that emotion to surface first, you'll be amazed at what happens to you. So much of all our problems are misunderstandings. Hurt feelings. Ego. And lesser feelings and emotions. But what if you led with love? What if you treated others like you loved them? They may not all treat you the same, at least not initially. But some may. And that feeling you share with them just might lead them to do the same for someone else. And so on. I'll start. I'm grateful that you've taken the time to come to my website and read these words. You've made a difference in my life. I love you. Maybe doing this will make a difference for you, and for those you choose to share the sentiment with, and maybe it won't. But what do you have to lose by allowing love? After all, that's what you were born to do. That's what we all were born to do. I've posted Freddie's original video for this song below. I often find listening to the music helps clarify the messages. And I've always gotten a lot out of spending time listening to Freddie Mercury. Spirits and Angels love music, and love to give us messages through music. This song comes from my Psychic Jukebox, which has over nineteen thousand songs in it. I set it to play randomly, and asked my guides and angels to give me the song that was the message that was needed. I also use my Psychic Jukebox in the readings on Psychic Tapestry's Love Show, heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday at 5:00pm (Pacific) and in my readings at Myztic Isle on Mondays (and I'll be there today from 12:00pm until 5:00pm)! You can get directions or make an appointment by visiting Myztic Isle's website RIGHT HERE!
![]() Today's card is from a sketch by John Lennon. He wrote on it, "Perhaps life's Karmic wheel had bent his spokes." Many times, we have this idea that karma is the universe dispensing what we perceive as justice. If someone wrongs us, karma will catch up with them. Karma will teach them a lesson. Karma will make them sorry they treated me like that. And when something happens to us that we aren't happy about, something that seems to derail us or send us for a loop, we get this idea that Karma made a mistake. Sometimes, when things we don't like happen to us, it is our own fault. It's our responsibility. It would be so much easier if we could just take credit for everything good, and assign blame for everything bad. Sadly, it just doesn't work that way. There is much to learn in everything that happens, the good and the bad. So if you're feeling like Karma has run you over, ask yourself why. What role did you play? And, if you can't think of an answer to that, think about what you can learn from it. This card comes from an oracle deck I created based on the artwork of John Lennon.
You can hear me read from this deck for callers on Psychic Tapestry's Love Show, with Toni DeMaio and Julia Hoffman, Friday's at 5:00pm Pacific on Blog Talk Radio! I will also be giving readings with this deck at Myztic Isle in La Mesa, CA Monday from noon to 5:00pm. Get directions or make an appointment by visiting Myztic Isle's website RIGHT HERE! Today's card literally leaped out of the deck as I was shuffling... "My relationships will change when my vibration changes..." "You are living in the time when fewer people will attempt the impossible task of pushing the unwanted far enough away that they will be left with only that which is wanted. It is the time when more people will come to the realization that what they have been seeking is not a change in the behavior of others, or in the world outside of them - over which they have no control - but, instead, an understanding of their own Vibrational relationship with Source, over which they have complete control." This card comes from Esther and Jerry Hicks' oracle deck Getting Into The Vortex. You can find out more on their website: RIGHT HERE
![]() Everything is going to be okay. If you get nothing else from today's card, that's more than enough. It's alright. I will get by. I will survive. Those are repeated several times in this Grateful Dead. song. And it's a pretty good affirmation for those times when you're not so sure that you are alright, that you will get by, or that you will even survive. Rarely are things as bad as they appear. But our egos love drama, and ratchet up the fear. It can become overwhelming. And we can become immobile, incapable of even seeing a way out of our problems. Take a moment. Think back a year or two (or longer, if necessary) to some other problem that you faced. No matter who big and bad that seemed, you're here now. You made it. It may not have been pretty, or even pleasant, but you got through that difficult time. And you will again. I mention often on the Psychic Tapestry shows that I am not a doctor. But I would like to offer you this prescription, to repeat whenever you need it: Everything is going to be okay. It's alright. You will get by. You will survive. These cards come from my Psychic Jukebox deck, a 78-card tarot deck that I created. It is similar to traditional tarot decks, but all the cards are singers, bands and songs. My deck is actually 80 cards, as there are two blank ones - because sometimes, you already know the answer.
I'll be reading from this deck later today at the Mystic Healing Community's Psychic Faire (from 5:00pm to 10:00pm). You can get the details on that RIGHT HERE! Get directions to Twigs by calling 619-296-0616! I will also be giving readings with this deck at Myztic Isle in La Mesa, CA Monday from noon to 5:00pm. Get directions or make an appointment by visiting Myztic Isle's website RIGHT HERE! ![]() It really can be simple. Allow yourself to interact with others with a full and open heart, free of ulterior motives. This should be easy. But we make things complicated. Think about those closest to you - family of blood and/or family of choice. You know how you feel about them. Do you tell them? Most of the time, we just assume they know. And over time, we don't say the words any more. But you know how those words make you feel when someone you love says them to you. And you should want to give others that same, wonderful feeling. Too often, our ego gets in our way. And we don't want to let others know how we feel because they may not say it back. Or they may make fun of us. Or a million other reasons that basically mean we don't want to be vulnerable. This is a time to allow that to happen. Take the risk. Be vulnerable. Others need to know how you feel. They need to know they are loved. Just as you want and need to know. This card came from John Holland's oracle deck The Psychic Tarot of the Heart. You can find out more about this deck at John's website RIGHT HERE!
Usually, I comment about the particular deck I'm using at the end of the reading, but since this one is much different, I thought I'd do it at the beginning. This card comes from an intuitive oracle deck I've made that I call Ocean Therapy. Here's a little of the explanation of this deck: Believe. It's such a simple word. And when we were young, it was really easy. Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy. All accepted without question. We wanted to believe in magic. Growing up, we got jaded. I don't know that the magic lost its luster. I think we slowly lost the ability to see it. But it's still there. And it believes in us. Belief can be such a powerful thing. And it can mean so many different things for each of us. It's not just about Santa. And it's not just about religion (organized or not). It's really about everything. To paraphrase Henry Ford, if you believe you can do a thing or believe that you can't do a thing, you're right. Look at the picture on this card. Is the weather turning as a storm moves in? Or is the storm over, and moving away? And is a storm moving in to your life, or is it moving away? Too often, we spend too much of our time looking for something or someone to believe in. We may not even realize that while we're searching, we're also coming up with reasons not to believe in that same something or someone. All the while, we resist believing in ourselves. What does "believe" mean to you? What came to mind when you first saw the picture of this card? And how does that apply to what you're dealing with right now?
If you're interested in getting one of these decks, you can order it RIGHT HERE! Each deck will be made especially for you when you order, which is why it's still showing up as a pre-order. And if 111 cards sounds too big to you, there are two smaller versions that are also available on that same page (along with samples of what some of the other cards in the deck look like). ![]() Doreen Virtue says, "It's time to get things done!" You've done the thinking and the planning and the preparing. The only thing that's holding you back now is you! Don't doubt yourself. You are ready. It's time to put your plan into action! This is not about rushing into something spontaneously, and you shouldn't feel as though you are. You've been thinking about it, weighing pros and cons, and getting your ducks in a row. Don't let yourself get lost in the process! So often, we over-think and over-plan. We want everything to be perfect. But waiting for everything to be perfect could have you waiting forever! Live your life. Take the steps you need to take. Keep moving forward. If you've been waiting for a sign to get going, this is it! This card comes from the Angel Tarot Deck by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. You can find out more about this deck, and even order it, on Doreen's website RIGHT HERE!
![]() Here's another song from my Psychic Jukebox, one that's been stuck in my head for several days. It was a number one hit for Seal in 1995. It's been covered recently, by Straight No Chaser, Idina Menzel and Lee DeWyze, among others. It was also part of an episode of "Community", and Seal did a special version last year for the NFL and the Super Bowl. I think the message for this song goes beyond its lyrics. This is more about the story behind the song. Seal wrote it in 1987. He was embarrassed by it, and tossed it aside rather than show it to his producer. It surfaced in a session a few years later, and got reworked for release in 1994. It was reworked again, and re-released a year later, included in the soundtrack for Batman Forever. Initially, it was supposed to appear in the film during a scene between Val Kilmer and Nicole Kidman, but that scene was cut, and it wound up playing over the closing credits. That song that Seal didn't believe in at first went to the top of five different charts in the U.S., and it made its way to the top, or near the top, of the charts in at least fourteen other countries. So what's the point? I think it's about believing in yourself and your gifts. Being proud of what you accomplish without worrying about what others think. Trusting your gut, your instinct and your intuition. I know it's easy for me to say that. And I know firsthand how difficult that can be. In fact, I have failed at it miserably time and time again. But I keep trying. I get frustrated. I get angry. I get scared. I get desperate. I get embarrassed. And then I try again. I think about all that I've done. And when it feels like I haven't done anything, I look harder until I find the successes, and the gifts. And that's what I think the message is here. Trust and believe, sure that's important. But also, understand you're human. You aren't perfect. And it's okay if you have to try again. And again. And again. I've posted the original video for this song below. I often find listening to the music helps clarify the messages. Spirits and Angels love music, and love to give us messages through music. This song comes from my Psychic Jukebox, which has over nineteen thousand songs in it. I set it to play randomly, and asked my guides and angels to give me the song that was the message that was needed. I've posted a video of the song below if you'd like to listen - and really all you can do is listen, the image is just of the record. I also use my Psychic Jukebox in the readings on Psychic Tapestry's Love Show, heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday at 5:00pm (Pacific) and in my readings at Myztic Isle on Mondays! You can get directions or make an appointment by visiting Myztic Isle's website RIGHT HERE! Today's card has one of those messages that I think many misinterpret as selfishness, but it is so far from that... "My most important relationship is with my source..." "There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and the Soul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then and only then have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; with money; with your parents, children, grandchildren, and your world...will all fall easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental relationship first." This card comes from Esther and Jerry Hicks' oracle deck Getting Into The Vortex. You can find out more on their website: RIGHT HERE
I missed yesterday, so I've pulled two cards for you today. The first one actually came up a few weeks ago. Mama Cass Elliot with "Make Your Own Kind Of Music". Here's what I wrote back in March for this card... I think its message is both wonderful and simple. Make your own kind of music, even if no one else sings along. This is all about following your heart (and your intuition). Do what you love, what makes you happy. And don't waste your time worrying about what others might think. The truth is, if you wait for everyone to approve, you'll never do anything. And your opinion should trump theirs, anyway. What is it you've been wanting to do? This doesn't necessarily have to be a career decision. It could be almost anything. Want to sing karaoke? Want to try a vegetarian diet? Want to learn a new language? The list could be endless. And no one else should be able to talk you out of it (unless it's something potentially dangerous, of course). If you've been waiting for a sign to get started, this is it! The second card is the Grateful Dead with "Uncle John's Band". This is about taking some time for yourself. The weekend is upon us. Make sure you take some time to relax and refuel. When this kind of message comes up, I make a point of saying this isn't about shirking your responsibilities. But it's so important to take care of yourself. Remember you can't help anyone else if you're worn out and used up. Do something that makes you happy, that feeds your soul. It doesn't need to be expensive, and it doesn't need to take all day. Treat yourself to an hour in the park. Pick up a book you've been meaning to read. Listen to your favorite music. And relax. Even if it's only for a little while. These cards come from my Psychic Jukebox deck, a 78-card tarot deck that I created. It is similar to traditional tarot decks, but all the cards are singers, bands and songs. My deck is actually 80 cards, as there are two blank ones - because sometimes, you already know the answer.
You can hear me read from this deck for callers on Psychic Tapestry's Love Show, with Toni DeMaio and Julia Hoffman, Friday's at 5:00pm (Pacific) on Blog Talk Radio! I will also be giving readings with this deck at Myztic Isle in La Mesa, CA Monday from noon to 5:00pm. Get directions or make an appointment by visiting Myztic Isle's website RIGHT HERE! |
AuthorKen is a former skeptic turned music intuitive. You can read more about him on the ABOUT US page! Archives
September 2017