Sometimes, we like to play the blame game, and try to pin it on someone else. My business failed because the locals didn’t support me. Our team failed because the other guys cheated. I failed the test because the teacher asked too many hard or trick questions. We all fail. And it’s not because the mean girls spread nasty rumors about us. Or because the refs were paid off. Or because the Universe hates us. Sometimes, we just blow it. And sometimes, bad stuff happens to us. The thing is, sometimes, everyone screws up. And sometimes, bad stuff happens to everyone. But screw ups and bad stuff are subjective. Something I consider bad might not be a big deal to you. And something that you consider bad might not mean anything to someone else. This isn’t about others having it worse off than you. While that may be true, it’s also sanctimonious crap people like to say. You’ll get ‘em next time. There are starving children in China. There’s other fish in the sea. Seriously, does that help? I know someone who had a plumbing problem recently that flooded the lower level of their home. While that may be worse than any problem in my own house at the moment, it doesn’t change the fact that my dishwasher is on the fritz. My dishwasher problem probably seems insignificant to those folks with a flooded house. I bet they’d even wish that a dishwasher issue was all they had to deal with. And there are probably others who don’t have a dishwasher, who might not even have a home, who wouldn’t mind having a problem like this. But to me, it’s a big deal. Even bigger when the repairman says there’s no point in trying to fix it. Perspective. See, we all have our own problems, our own challenges, our own burdens. And just because you don’t notice someone else’s doesn’t mean they don’t have plenty of their own, too. But we tend to let ours get so big that we wind up being unable to see anyone else’s. And we think that we’re the only ones. And obviously the Universe is out to get us. Been there. Done that. Got the t-shirt (and then the washing machine ruined it). Last week, I had string of bad things happen. Some rough financial and professional things happened. We’ve all had those. Where you just want to make it through the week. Now one of those things could have been my fault, though I don’t know how I could have done anything differently. The other involves a delinquent client. Without the details, that probably doesn’t sound so bad. But it was crushing. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. One of those weeks where I started to wonder why I even bother. But I realized today that the sun still came up. The Earth was still turning. The world didn’t end. And with a little time and a little healing, I think I figured out how to handle both of those giant issues. Will what I figured out work? I hope so, but I honestly don’t know. Still, it’s worth a shot. And there are other clients to find and other professional endeavors to attempt. And you know what? That’s the secret. The Universe doesn’t hate you, and it isn’t heaping misfortune on you to see how you’ll react, or to laugh as you stumble and fall. Instead, the Universe cheers you on when you get back up and find a way to keep going. Everyone has suffered some kind of crushing setback, miserable failure or just plain old bad luck. Think of it like a $100 bill. There are some people who don’t consider a hundred bucks to be much money. Hardly worth noticing. They spend more than that on valets. And there are some who wouldn’t be excited to have an extra hundred dollar payment, but it wouldn’t have a long-last impact on them. And there are some who can’t imagine ever having an extra hundred dollars. And there are even some who have never had a hundred dollars (and may never have it). Failure is like that. It isn’t one size fits all. This blog is called “Human Race” for a couple of reasons. The obvious one is that bad things happen to everyone. It doesn’t mean the Universe hates you, it just means you’re human. The other is because it’s a song. If you weren’t listening to a rock radio station in the early 1980’s, you probably don’t know this one. It’s by a Canadian band called Red Rider. If you know any of their songs, it’s probably “Lunatic Fringe”. The lead singer is Tom Cochrane, who had a monster hit in 1991 with “Life Is A Highway”. There are lots of songs out there about getting knocked down and getting back up again, but this is the one that has always stuck with me. So no matter what happens this week, take a moment to heal, and then get back up. The Universe loves that.
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And the unfortunate thing is that, for some reason, we’ve started to see the simple act of asking for help as some kind of weakness. As if the only successful people, the only ones who ever really accomplish anything, are the ones who do it on their own. There are also those of us who just have it ingrained in us to never ask for help. Maybe we’ve been burned one too many times – by a relationship, by a family member or by someone we were in business with. Whatever the reason, we don’t want help. We don’t need help. We won’t ask for help. But turn it around. Have you ever been fortunate enough to be able to help someone who needed it? Just to be able to take the time and be there. Offer a hug. A word of encouragement. A gesture that might even seem simple to you. We’re so busy these days that we don’t always make the time for this. Or maybe we don’t think we have the time. But even the slightest of overtures can make a world of difference. And you have to remember that it’s also about perspective – because what might seem like an almost insignificant effort on your part could mean so very much to someone else. It helps us to remember that we aren’t alone, that we’re all really connected. Like a Psychic Tapestry. I try to help others with this website and with the Blog Talk Radio show. I feel the over-riding message - that we all go on, that everyone we’ve ever known and loved is just a thought away – I feel that brings hope and healing to some who need it. Not everyone, of course. After all, not everyone believes. But I’ve heard from some who have been grateful for what seems to me to be among the simpler things I could do – from having on a particular guest who talks about a certain topic, to taking a call and giving a reading, to just pulling a tarot card. And I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of that. I don’t think of myself as any kind of expert. At anything, really. But I like doing this, and feel so blessed to hear that it matters at all to anyone. That simple act of helping, of being willing to help, is the highlight of my week. Every week. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. No one will think less of you. And it will give someone else that wonderful opportunity to lend a hand and make a difference. In fact, I’m going to get the ball rolling right now by asking for your help. Running this site and this show take time, which I’m happy to give, but they also take money, which I’m also happy to give when I have it. But I could use some help. I’m so grateful for the support I already receive, with LIKES on Facebook, FOLLOWS on Twitter, and even SUBSCRIBERS to the YouTube channel. Not to mention the growing numbers of listeners we have to the show! And for those who like all that Psychic Tapestry does, and are in a position where they can. I’d also be grateful if you could help with your treasure, too! Money is so subjective. A little to you could mean a lot to me. And a little to me could mean a lot to someone else. So I don’t want to assign any particular value to this. But here is a link where you can pitch in whatever you’d like, if you’re able and if you want to. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not holding Psychic Tapestry hostage. I don’t have some particular goal amount in mind. But I could use some assistance. And I’m hoping you can help!
And that version by the Classics IV was actually a cover of the original version, which was an instrumental by Mike Sharpe. The Classics IV added lyrics to that version. And if you look at the lyrics, you’ll see that it’s not really a scary song at all. It’s a relationship song, as a guy tries to figure out a woman. She says one thing and does another. She always keeps him guessing. He never knows what he’s thinking. And he finds that spooky. Maybe “spooky” meant something different back then. It certainly means something different today, at least to me. The most recent example that I have for this is a Psychic Tapestry show which featured Maritza and Colleen from the San Diego Ghost Hunters. If you didn’t catch that show live, and haven’t heard the podcast, yet, you can listen to it RIGHT HERE! Let me caution you, though. It is, without a doubt, the creepiest show I’ve ever done. Spooky. Maritza and Colleen had sent me some audio clips to use on the show. These clips were from different paranormal investigations that they had done, including, but not limited to, the Whaley House. The clips contained two different kinds of phenomena – ovilus recordings and EVPs. For those who don’t know, an Ovilus is an electronic gadget which some spirits can communicate through. The theory is that spirit can manipulate their energy, which gets translated into words in the built-in vocabulary of the Ovilus. Maritza and Colleen use this quite a bit at the Whaley House, and get pretty good results. And the words they hear aren’t always things that are in the kind of vocabulary built into one of these devices. Like Maritza’s unique name. EVPs, on the other hand, are the actual voices of spirit. EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. Essentially, it’s when you record something and then, when you play it back, you hear another voice or sound that you didn’t hear when you made the original recording. Here’s a good example of that from the San Diego Ghost Hunters: So on the Psychic Tapestry show I was talking about, I had a bunch of these kinds of audio clips, and Maritza and Colleen were both on the line, connecting on their phones from their homes (or wherever they were that morning). Things got kind of spooky right from the start. As the music played and I started the show, it sounded fine to me. I could hear myself in my headphones and it seemed like everything was normal. But what people actually heard was something pretty different. Yes, that’s my voice popping in and out, before going away completely, replaced what sounds like echoing footsteps. Neither Maritza nor Colleen heard those footsteps. But people listening to the show did. The chatroom was buzzing about it! Now I know internet connections aren’t always reliable, and in the past, I have occasionally lost my connection and had to dial back in. Rare, but it has happened. On Saturday’s show, I was disconnected sixteen times. And while I’ve heard EVPs before, footsteps are a new one for me. This went on throughout the show. The San Diego Ghost Hunters attributed to the Whaleys, and said they must be excited about our upcoming event (which you can read about, and get tickets to, RIGHT HERE). Speaking of the Whaleys, Martiza and Colleen both seemed to think Francis Whaley might be the one behind the technical problems, as he is always interested in technology and gadgets, and frequently on their investigations, he turns everything off, until they ask him to turn it back on again, and then everything comes back on. So I thought I would try to appeal to Francis Whaley, and ask that he allow the show to continue. And while I didn’t hear it when I originally said it, I did hear his immediate response when I addressed him by name. And as far as the Whaleys’ excited over the upcoming event, and their appearance on the radio, well, it does sound like some says “Testing” while Martiza is talking in this clip. I must admit, I kind of like the idea of Francis Whaley testing out whatever spiritual microphone he’s using to appear on our show. On another part of the show, we were talking about another investigation that was done at the Whaley House recently, and how that show was rather rude to the Whaleys, demanding that they show themselves (which they didn’t). Anyway, while we talked about that other group, it sure sounds like someone says, “Don’t Bring Them”. Near the end of the show, Colleen was talking about something she and Maritza caught on their recording devices, and I thought I responded to them, but what you’ll actually hear is the sounds of those footsteps again, doing some kind of dance step that ends with a voice saying “Ha ha ha”! Spooky.
I don’t have any kind of giant conclusion to make here. But I thought you might like to hear those particular clips. And ever since I first announced our Whaley House investigation and broadcast, people have contacted me about their trips to the Whaley House, and how some were disappointed because they didn’t hear or see anything. I certainly can’t guarantee that anything in particular will happen on our investigation, but I think this particular show is a pretty good indication that they are ready and excited for us to come to their home! So if you’re in the San Diego area, or are going to be, on Friday September 19, and you’d like to come along to our exclusive, after-hours investigation, CLICK HERE for all the details and to get your tickets! Maritza and Colleen from the San Diego Ghost Hunters will be along, and you are welcome to bring any of your own ghost hunting equipment along! And if you aren’t close enough to come along, I hope you’ll tune in! It should be a very cool evening. And spooky! |
AuthorKen Kessler has always been interested in psychic phenomena, and like Mulder on the X-Files, wants to believe. But like most, he tends to look for, and accept, rational explanations. (More) Archives
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