There's not a particular song for this blog. I just thought it might be interesting to share something. I know many psychics, mediums, communicators, readers, etc. who have elaborate altars. They have crystals and candles there, as well as other significant items. No two are the same. The purpose is to create an environment solely dedicated to "doing the work", as they say. A designated area for meditation and connection. And I don't have one. At least, that's what I thought. But I do almost all my work, and all my "work", at my desk. And bit by bit, all those things others might put on an altar, well, they've wound up around me at the area where I do everything, from my day-job to running Psychic Tapestry. I do reading there, for myself and others, and I meditate and receive messages there. So even though there's a computer (two, actually), along with other trappings of technology, there are some other significant items that aid me in doing what I do. For example... Just to the left of my keyboard is my pendulum for Parker, my primary guide. His is the red stone. The other pendulum is what I refer to as my toll-free line. It's not designated for anyone in particular, but if I sense someone around, I can use that for communication if I need to. Above that... Dean, Sammy and Frank always have wise words. I should listen to them more. Elsewhere... From left to right, that's a Beatles Blue Meanie with a Mannheim Steamroller ornament, a small photo of my grandfather at the edge of my keyboard, and an unopened pack of Michael Jackson trading cards. How could I not feel surrounded by love? And finally, atop one of my computer towers... A USB Christmas tree and Santa on a NYC taxi!
I know it's all a bunch of sentimental memorabilia, but for me, it is a constant source of positive energy, every way that I look. There's more, of course, but this gives you a bit of an idea of what it looks like behind the scenes during the show. And for those who don't have an altar because they don't know how to make one or what should be there, I hope this help you realize that there really aren't any rules. Whatever works for you, whatever makes you feel the positive energy and the love, that's what's right for you.
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AuthorKen Kessler has always been interested in psychic phenomena, and like Mulder on the X-Files, wants to believe. But like most, he tends to look for, and accept, rational explanations. (More) Archives
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