I've decided to begin posting daily readings here. These will be simple, one-card readings from the decks I've created, as well as other decks I use from time to time. My hope is to offer a good mix of inspiration, hope and healing on a daily basis. I'll make sure to identify each deck I use for each reading, and where you can get it (for those that are available for purchase). My decks include my Psychic Jukebox Deck, my John Lennon oracle deck and my Ocean Therapy deck. I'll do my best to post each reading by midnight for the following day. But please note that my readings don't have time constraints. I believe you'll find the message, or the message will find you, when you're ready.
You can also hear me read from these decks on Psychic Tapestry's Love Show with Toni DeMaio and Julia Hoffman, Friday's at 5:00pm (Pacific) on Blog Talk Radio!
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