There are many different ways to clear stones. In this video, I show you one of my favorite ways - using sage. Sage is a plant used by Native Americans to clear, cleanse and bless things through the process of smudging. The plant has clearing properties and it's smoke lifts negative energies. Hope you enjoy this video. Rock On, Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker
Have you ever wondered what rocks think? How they feel? If a rock started a conversation with you, what would it say? I talk to stones all the time. In this video, I show you what some of them have to say. Rock On, Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker One thing I'm able to do is talk to crystals. It's kind of hard to explain the way I do it, but I try my best in this video. I think we all can communicate with crystals. We just have to learn, try and keep practicing. Crystals really want to help us. Just wait till you connect with them. Then you'll understand. Hope you like the video. Rock On, Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker In this video I show you a few examples of connecting to the key in the crystal. I really like these methods. They are quick, easy and really powerful. Rock On, Adam, The Crystal Grid Maker
Lots of people ask me how do you find the key inside of a stone. In this video I explain to you how I do that.
And in this video I show you what a key in a stone actually looks like. The example I show you is of a Lemurian Seed Crystal.
January 2016